“Char’s superpower is her ability to bring out the artist in other people, especially the untrained. Through her, I am in touch with my own creative muse and surprise myself daily with the breadth of what I can express if I just let it rise.”
Hello, I’m Char, the artist and writer behind Layers Of A Creative Life. I write about my journey as a creative person and share personal art making along with poetry and workshops that I teach. You might also find pictures of the beautiful wilderness that I’m lucky enough to call home, here in Northern Maine.
In 2021, myself, husband, son, cat and dog left Pennsylvania and moved to Mount Chase-a small rural-ish town close to the Canadian border. We feel so many dreams becoming our reality here and couldn’t love our quiet and simple life more.
In Pennsylvania, I was a public school art teacher for 17 years and had the opportunity to work with children from diverse backgrounds. It was a wonderful gift to teach art for so long, but I knew intuitively when it was time for me to move on. Ultimately, it led me to launch my own workshops and retreats all over Maine and in my home studio. I also work with various amazing creative folks in different organizations including Antioch University, Katahdin Children and Families Foundation, Waterville Creates, and the National Park Service. This work life balance allows me to have plenty of time to make my own art and create newsletters and art making tutorials for all of you. This is wonderful and I am so grateful for my path. Living this inspired life, with its many twists and turns, is truly an amazing adventure. If you want to learn more and get an in-depth look at my work and history, hop over here.
Publishing Schedule
Once a week, a written Visual Journey newsletter will go out on Friday. It will go directly into your inbox. I will share art, writing, poetry, workshop updates and pictures. Whatever has moved into my mind and taken up creative space, I’ll pass on to you. In addition, keep an eye out for my podcast, Wildly Made Spirit, where I interview artists and creative people. Here we dig into how creative practices, nature and intentional living intersect.
Paid subscribers will also receive art tutorials aligned with the seasons. We will explore different art making practices to slow down and reconnect with ourselves. These are at your own pace guided art tutorials offering space to make it your own while also teaching technique. We post our work weekly in a chat thread that is open, positive and inspired. I hope you might join us!
Thank you so much for being here.
XXX Char